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It's time to reconnect with your inner power.

What is the point of spiritual development?

Spirituality designates that which is spirit and immaterial according to the classic human senses. I make this clarification because classic human senses are limited and do not allow access to the entirety of this multiverse. What is immaterial for us is not necessarily so for others. Furthermore, some humans with abilities called extra-sensory are capable of perceiving things that most humans do not perceive. 


The spirituality that I practice (and advocate) is, in my opinion,  compatible with all religions. It involves a personal journey as well as personal experimentation, with the aim of constructing our subjective truth. Very often, religions tell us what we should think and claim to have the only truth. Furthermore, they often place true power outside of us (gods), whereas the spirituality I encourage places it inside of us (our consciousness/mind).

There are many religions on Earth and they all preach for their parish. The spirituality that I propose to you sees the similarities between all these religions and unites them. One of these similarities is a form of consciousness, capable of influencing the matter we know, but also on more subtle planes. 

A process of spiritual development is a process of developing our own consciousness. 

A spiritual awakening is quite simply the act, for a human being, of raising their level of consciousness towards more “higher” planes than the material “physical” plane. It is the fact of understanding that our identity is not limited to our physical body, our first name, our profession.. We are in reality consciencesprojected andincarnate in physical bodies, which have, for this incarnation, a name, a profession, etc. This consciousness is named differently depending on the individuals/cultures (soul, spirit, divine, etc.).

There are an infinity of dimensions, and therefore of realities. Furthermore, any being endowed with a consciousness connected to a soul (we will talk about it below), has creative power in matter. In other words, there is no single truth. Everyone creates their own reality and perceives the world according to their own filters (psychic abilities, classic human senses, limiting beliefs, etc.)

Spirituality is empirical, it must be experienced for one to realize that it exists. My comments are based on my personal experiences, the experiences of those close to me, the experiences of the people I have been able to help/meet, as well as my reading of several works, from various cultures. I do not claim to have the Absolute Truth. I share my opinions, which will evolve over the course of my spiritual development. Take what intuitively resonates with you. I respect everyone's ideas, so I expect mine to be treated with respect as well.  

The fact that various cultures reach the same spiritual conclusions is not a coincidence. Spirituality appeals to more subtle senses such as intuition, feeling, etc. meanings that many of us overlook.  Of course, all meaning contains an element of subjectivity. 

Earth science is useful for exploring matter, what is observable, objective, within the scope of its technologies. It therefore has its limits with regard to the more subtle planes, and therefore, spirituality. Claiming that spiritual (immaterial) notions be completely proven and explained by our science is illusory. This is not yet possible, our terrestrial technologies are not yet up to par. Furthermore, at times, science objectifies things that it does not yet know how to explain. In summary, just because “science” doesn’t explain it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. You will understand my logic. Declaring that spirituality does not exist because science does not explain it is therefore not an admissible/coherent argument. 

Spiritual awakening is consciously learning to master our human psyche for the benefit of our goals. Let's be realistic, most people don't have confidence in their own abilities, and are dominated by their limiting beliefs. These are the same people who will try to project their narrow-mindedness onto you when you begin your personal development process, telling you that what you are aiming for is impossible to achieve. It is an unconscious tactic used by these individuals to protect themselves psychologically and comfort themselves within their limits. Your first challenge will be to be completely isolated from these speeches, in order to remain focused on yourself and your objectives. 

We are in a society where free thought is gradually becoming proscribed in favor of imposed dogmas. Going outside the box is frowned upon. We incarnated on Earth to improve our soul. This is the main objective to achieve. The encounters made on Earth are over. The soul is infinite. Don't let anyone distract you from this path, if deep down, that's what drives you. 

Truth be told, our consciousness incarnates on Earth for various reasons (to experience, to help, to destroy..), there are no strict rules.

Spiritual awakening is notNOT reserved for Buddhist initiates or monks. Anyone with a soul/consciousness connected to the Primordial Source of souls is capable of raising their level of consciousness through a process of personal development. 



My presentation



I use the pseudonym Tlinassiaa here, one of the true primordial names of my soul. I made this choice in order to dissociate my interest in spirituality from my other activities. This site is therefore solely dedicated to making available my intellectual works in connection with my interest in personal spiritual development.

My spiritual journey began during childhood. I was born in Guadeloupe. 
There, several cultures co-exist. Spirituality is very present and manifests itself in various ways (traditions, food, music, carnival, witchcraft, myths, etc.). This contributed to my spiritual curiosity.   

Very young, I had existential questions, but also spiritual ones. I didn't find it logical that there were multiple religions on Earth. In my opinion, it was not possible that there was only one which was “right”.
However, I believed in the existence of a higher force capable of orchestrating our reality.
So I “just” prayed morning and evening to express my gratitude and ask for protection.

I was very early interested in metaphysical subjects, astrology, extra-terrestrials, oriental spiritualities... ultimately, as if all this was my "norm". Without knowing it, I was practicing the law of attraction (or as I like to call it, the law of manifestation) on a daily basis, more particularly the "Lucky girl syndrome". I attributed all this to "innate luck", but I now know that luck does not exist.

My true “spiritual awakening” began in 2021, like many humans, faced with the planetary events taking place at that time and their impact on the earth’s vibration rate. My existential questions intensified and by divine timing, I was able to meet many people who gave me various answers. To make a long story short, I learned about the true origin of my soul and certain previous incarnations (also called "past" lives, which are not really previous but co-exist simultaneously). I learned my life missions. I experimented with various practices. I freed myself from limiting vows of the soul, from limiting etheric implants, from "black magic", from low vibration entities.. I trained in several disciplines, I learned to access the Akashic Records.

I began to "awaken my kundalini" and began to develop my psychic abilities. I did a lot of research and became interested in various cultures, Hinduism, Taoism, spirituality of ancient Egypt.. I also asked my guides a lot of questions. I then realized that our basis is and will always remain the same: our intrinsic spirituality, present in each of us (when we have a soul connected to the Source).

As I write these lines, my spiritual awakening is far from over. Truth be told, it won't stop, because there are infinite dimensions. However, I am now able to transmit to you the information I have, in order to help you accelerate your spiritual development. This information depends on my current level of consciousness and may evolve as I progress in my journey. You will notice, if this is not yet the case, that chance does not exist. The great encounters of our life are pre-determined before incarnation. If you come across my site and resonate with what's there, we can potentially help each other. 

Be careful, the real power is within you. The spiritual/divine essence is in each of us (when we have a soul...). If you're looking for a "savior", you're in the wrong place. One of my life missions is to give you tools to reconnect with your own inner spiritual essence. 

All the works that I offer are abonuses. You can totally do your spiritual development alone. Don't listen to those who tell you that you need an initiation in this school or listen to this guru. All this risks creating an illusory dependence. Each spiritual journey is unique and tailored to the soul in question. One of my roles is to transmit to youThisthat I learned to make the path easier for you. However, sometimes people have to experience things differently and learn differently. I therefore invite you to prioritize your intuition as well as to vary your sources of information. The worksof the spirit offered on this site are my intellectual creation and will evolve over the course of my spiritual development.

Warning: all the information and works mentioned on this site are not intended to replace a medical consultation, nor to diagnose or treat any pathology. If you have health problems, I invite you to consult your doctor.Here I help you, if you wish, to accelerate your spiritual development, that's all. You stayMasters of your decisions and have your free will at your disposal. My works are only aimed at to peopleadults, having the mental and legal capacity to make decisions for themselves and to exercise discernment. Always listen to your intuition. What I say is my personal opinion. I respect everyone's beliefs. Truth be told, I think we are all right, because we create our own reality through the force of our intention. If you believe in a god, or other, his energy will manifest in your life and take the form you know from him. In spirituality, apart from the universal laws organizing the Universe, there are no rules. You do what you want and use your energy as you want, obviously assuming all the consequences of this use (universal law of cause and effect). 

​Be careful of scams, I will never force you to do anything and will never contact you first to offer you a service. If you ever receive such a message, please report it to me urgently. 



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